לעצור את מכירת ה"מונה ליזה של רמת גן" ב-24 בנובמבר

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עיריית רמת גן מוכרת את פנינת האמנות שנתרמה למוזיאון בעירה
אחרי שבמשך שנים זרקה עיריית רמת גן את אוסף צטלין של אמנות רוסית במחסן דשנים, אחרי שתלתה רק חלק מזערי ממנו במוזיאון שאיש כמעט לא שמע עליו - עתה היא מתכוונת למכור את היצירה החשובה שבו מכירה פומבית בהחלטה שהוסתרה מעין הציבור.חתמו את העצומה נגד מכירת התמונה ונגד הזנחת המוזיאון על ידי העירייה.ראו כתבות בנושא:www.haaretz.co.il/magazine/.premium-1.2478085www.ha-makom.co.il/article/rozovsky-ramat-gan-russian-museum
The Ramat-Gan Municipality is selling off the "Portrait of Maria Zetlin", an important painting by Valentin Serov that was donated to the Museum of Russian Art in Ramat Gan
Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865 –1911) is a well known Russian artist belonging to the so-called "Silver Age", i.e. the Russian fin-de-siècle. Trained at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts and in Paris under the famous realist artist, Ilya Repin, Serov absorbed Impressionist influences and was especially active at the innovative Abramtsevo art colony. It was there that he created one of the master-pieces of Russian Impressionism - "The Girl with Peaches" (1887), today at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. From 1900 Serov was a member of the World of Art association and turned towards the art-nouveau movement. He was especially known for his numerous portraits of Russian artists, writers and actors. Among these are the portraits of the Russian-Jewish artist Isaac Levitan (1860-1900) and the dancer Ida Rubinstein (1885-1960), a member of the Sergei Dhiaghilev's Ballet Russes. The Museum of Russian Art in Ramat-Gan owns several of his works, including the portrait of Maria Zetlin which is now to be put on the auction block. It was Maria Zetlin who, together with her husband Michael, donated an important collection of paintings, drawings, and theater designs to the Museum, which includes well-known Russian artists who worked in the early and mid-20th century, such as: Serov, Bakst, Benois, Goncharova, Larionov, Stellezki and others. This outstanding portrait of Maria Zetlin is actually the most important work by Serov in Israel. The Israel Museum for instance, only owns one rather small work on paper by this artist. It is incomprehensible and morally wrong that a museum wants to get rid of its most important work – in order to upgrade its building, other museums in the city and the culture and art in the city.For more information see:http://artdaily.com/news/73960/A-Jewel-of-the-Silver-Age--Valentin-Serov-s-Portrait-of-Maria-Zetlin-to-be-offered-at-Christie-s#.VF-GB01xnIU
Остановить чиновников муниципалитета, продающих картину Серова из музея Рамат-Гана
Коллекция русских художников, дарованная Рамат-Гану, лежала на складе удобрений, была разграблена, а потом малая его часть была размещена в безвестном музее. Теперь муниципалитет продает важнейшую работу коллекции с молотка. Подробнее ознакомиться с этой историей можно здесь: http://www.ha-makom.co.il/article/rozovsky-ramat-gan-russian-museum-translated
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